The REVERT project involves a consortium of clinicians, scientists and software specialists in France and the UK
- Three universities: the University of Picardie Jules Verne, the University of Cambridge and the University of Artois
- Four hospitals: Cambridge University Hospitals, the University Hospital of Amiens, the University Hospital of Brest and the University Hospital of Caen
- One medical software company: Obex Technologies Ltd
Each partner will bring their own expertise to the project. Read more below.

University of Picardie Jules Verne
University of Picardie Jules Verne
Lead Partner, the University of Cambridge
"I am delighted to see the fruits of three decades of pioneering interdisciplinary research in normal pressure hydrocephalus led by Prof. Marek Czosnyka and Prof. John Pickard and the longstanding collaborative work with the University of Picardie Jules Verne in Amiens being implemented in the hospitals of the project region and beyond.
Our aim is to improve life for many thousands of people, particularly elderly, affected by hydrocephalus, and introduce significant savings, of many millions of Euros annually, for the communities and healthcare systems of both countries in the programme area.
The project will achieve this by creation of a cross-border clinical network of excellence in management of this debilitating disease, including development of novel, cutting-edge diagnostic tools and procedures leveraging the world-leading expertise of the partners in this field. This will be made possible by leveraging the collaborative efforts of experts in cerebral dynamics (Prof. Marek Czosnyka), in phase contrast MRI diagnostics of brain blood and cerebral fluid circulation (Dr Olivier Balédent, University of Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens), in artificial intelligence technologies (Dr Yaël Frégier, University of Artois) and neurosurgery (Amiens, Caen, Brest and Cambridge), with the clinical informatics lead taken by Mr Alexis Joannides of Cambridge University Hospitals, powered by Obex Technologies.”Dr Peter Smielewski, Chief Investigator/Leader of REVERT