Brest University Hospital to begin infusion tests and flow MRI

“Our neurosurgery team at Brest University Hospital are participating in the REVERT project to study intracranial pressure, which supports the diagnosis of hydrocephalus. This is a frequently discussed topic in neurosurgery consultations. We have already been developing a study protocol for the diagnosis of hydrocephalus in partnership with the Neurology Department for several years. This protocol is similar to the REVERT study and was the subject of an update to our EMC article on hydrocephalus.

Last week a series of national teaching days was held for neurosurgical interns on the subject of intracranial pressure and hydrocephalus. This provided a refresher for both junior and senior neurosurgeons and is perfectly timed for us to begin REVERT infusion tests and flow MRI over the next few weeks.”

Prof. Romuald Seizeur